
First time home owner and renovator learns valuable lesson in home renovation: everything takes twice as long and costs twice as much as you expect. Follow our adventures as we gut, build, discover, despair and delight along the never dull road to renovation.

Friday, September 22, 2006

We Break for Weddings

We won't be doing much work on the house this weekend as we're off to Peterborough for a wonderful wedding. Phil and Betsey are getting married after many (how many???) years together. It's going to be low key and joyous and fun, a lot of what I'm missing in my life these days.

We welcome breaks like these to keep us sane and in touch with the world outside our own. We also are so happy to be going to Peterborough - Jamie has a wonderful group of friends, many cycling buddies and outdoor-lovin' folks, who he loves and misses because we don't get to visit very often (especially with home renos happening). I too love them and so much enjoy spending time with them, they are down to earth, genuine and like to have a good time.

Jamie has managed to put a few house things on the list though...we need to measure and purchase vent covers for the whole house. We are getting our ducts cleaned next week and that signals the beginning of the end to me. No more drywall dust and various other contaminents in the air. We wanted to do this before the furnace goes on for the winter.

So here's to weddings, clean ducts and going away for fun weekends with friends.


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